Storm on Sunday night, April 25, 2016

Carport roof gone!

Back of carport
Carport roof landed on storage shed.
Tree on wood shed

Sunday night, I was watching the storm as a rotation was in the area. The winds started blowing and increased fast! The wind speeds were the highest that I have ever experienced. It was blowing out of the South directly into my carport. Then I heard a bang and knew that something happened to the carport. Well, you can see from the pictures that it sure did. 

The power of Jesus!

In church this morning, we studied the power of Jesus. It made me think of the livestock show this weekend. One of Abigail’s friends, Josie, was showing a steer. Now Josie is about 75 pounds soaking wet. The steer weighed 1250 lbs. Seeing Josie leading that steer around the ring made me think. That steer could do anything he wanted and she could not stop him, but he chooses to be lead around. Christians, like the steer, have power beyond imagine in Christ but choose to be lead around defeated and unaware of what we are capable of doing through Christ. Find God’s will in your life and where he wants you and what he wants you do and utilize that power for his glory. Just some thoughts from a layman. Have a Blessed Day! 

Where have I been and goals.

We’ll it has been a while since I posted. My last post was last August, when I got married. I have been very busy with the new ranch, marriage, and job. I started working at Rockwater Energy Services as a Hazmat truck driver and haul oilfield chemicals.


We have also been building a self-sufficient homestead. The less we can depend on others for basic necessities, the better off we will be. If the government continues without changing it’s spending then the economy is going to collapse. You need to be able to feed yourself and protect yourself and your resources

We have started raising Belted Galloway cattle for beef. My wife really likes how they look and in my research, they make good beef cattle. They eat plants that more common cattle won’t touch. They are very docile and easy to manage, weather hardy, and give birth easy. Drawbacks are they grow slow and are smaller than other beef breeds. For us, the positives outweigh the negatives.


We also are currently raising chickens. We have a rooster coop that was already on the property and has a pen, 50ft by 16ft. The coop is a 6ft by 8ft. We raise meat roosters in this coop and pen. We built a new coop for the hens. It is 10ft by 12ft and can house up to around 120 chickens. Right now we have about 40 chickens in it and they are free range during the day.




We are currently planning to start meat rabbits, two milk cows, and Hereford pigs as soon as possible. So more posts to come on those.

I plan on posting more to help others see what we are doing and maybe give them some ideas and keep them from making our mistakes.